Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Love The Green For Spring

I hope everyone is glad that spring is officially here. I know I am. :))) Tonight I am leaving on vacation to sunny, St. George, UT, to visit family and embrace the sun. I have been busy packing, making sure to bring all my favorites for spring. I won't have computer access until next Tues, so I hope everyone has a fun Easter and has some great things planned ahead. I wanted to share a few favorites here. These two green tops can easily be overlooked, but when paired just right with a cute purse such as this (on sale) and some cute shorts and sandels, a great spring outfit can come about. I love this particular shade of green, which is perfect for this time of year. It really flatters all skin tones and hair colors, and I think the details of these tops are also unique enough to stand out as well.